5 Common Household Items You Can Use for Eco Friendly Cleaning

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All of us like to come home to a clean house. However, when it comes to the kind of products that will help to keep it in that condition, it can be challenging to find ones that are not made of a lot of chemicals at our local Wal-Mart or grocery store. Click here https://www.blogs4us.com/ to get more details regarding cleaning, decor, and other home improvements.

The good news is that there are some common household items that you can use for eco-friendly cleaning purposes; ones that you probably already have in your pantry or in the closet in your bathroom. If you’d like to know what some of those products are, we’ve provided you with five below:

Vinegar. Due to the highly-acidic content in vinegar, it can be used for all kinds of things from removing mold and mildew and cleaning glass surfaces to getting out laundry stains and being a wonderful alternative to fabric softener. Also, if you happen to be looking for something to sanitize your toilets or clean out your drains, vinegar is great for both of those too.

Lemon juice. If you happen to have a lemon in your refrigerator, you’ve got something that can work wonders within your home. By combining lemon juice with salt, you can clean discolored brass as well as scrub grills and grates. Lemon juice is awesome for sanitizing your garbage disposal. Plus, you can dilute it with a bit of water to clean your laminate countertops. It’s also effective when it comes to removing mineral buildup from tea kettles and coffee pots.

Olive oil. Typically, we only think of using olive oil for preparing delicious meals, but it actually has a lot of household cleaning benefits. Olive oil can be used along with vinegar to polish furniture. It can help to clean your cast iron pans. It can repair the scratches that you may have on your leather furniture and can also serve as a natural protectant for wicker furniture too. You can also visit this website https://globenews12.com/ for more tips and tricks about home improvement.

Baking soda. According to several environmental data resources, another good household item to use is baking soda. As a matter of fact, it’s kind of amazing that such an inexpensive product can do so much. Baking soda is wonderful when it comes to deodorizing your refrigerator as well as your carpets. You can also use it to remove scuff marks from the floor, to get burnt food off of pans, to remove grease stains from clothes, to clean lawn furniture, and also to remove the odor from your dogs or cats (just pour a bit onto their fur and brush it out).

Salt. Did you know that salt can be used for more things than flavoring your food? Honestly, it’s pretty amazing to discover all of the things that it can do. A mixture of salt and vinegar in a spray bottle can serve as an all-purpose cleaner. Throwing a handful onto your fire (in your fireplace) can help to keep your chimney clean. Pouring 2-3 tablespoons into your coffee pot that’s already half-filled with water and then bringing it to a boil can remove coffee stains. And, a mixture of salt, cream of tartar, and water can help with removing rust on any metal surface. Yes, it’s definitely one of the cheapest and “greenest” ways to keep your home clean. Learn more about cleaning on this dedicated website: https://getnewsupdate.net/.