Omega-3 and Brain Aging

Omega-3 and Brain Aging

There are things that you can do to delay signs of brain aging. There are also other things you can avoid. Delaying or eventually keeping the brain steady and healthy all throughout your life may mean lesser chance of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Brain shrinking has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease as well as part of natural aging process of the body. However, in a new study conducted and published, those with higher levels of omega-3 in their blood have larger brain volumes when they finally age and have preserved their brain age for 2 more years before succumbing to aging. The study has proven neurological evidence to the effectiveness of omega-3 in the protection from brain aging and from brain shrinking. This current study can be backed up by prior studies on the subject. After all, omega-3 is one of the most studied supplements in today’s world. You can also check out this website to get detailed information about health and fitness.

Where can omega-3 hail from?

Most famed omega-3 source hails from the sea, from fatty fish in the name of wild salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines and tuna among others. Yet it isn’t just the fishes alone, but the ocean has plenty of this omega-3 giving marine life. Krill, a tiny shrimp like marine animal and calamari, interchangeably called squid, has been heralded today to have rivaled the long reign of fish oil

Fatty Acids and Your Brain

Omega-3 fatty acids are long chained fatty acids which aside from its health giving benefits may also reduce risk of certain diseases. Yet, its most important benefit centers in the brain.

A large part of brain matter is comprised of the DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids. DHA according to study is responsible for improved learning among kids, better cognitive development and concentration. Pregnant women mostly are asked to increase intake of the fatty acids through natural diet or through supplements.

As opposite of the saturated fats, omega-3 is known to be a healthy counterpart since it’s a polyunsaturated fats. PUFA’s together with MUFA’s can give the body lots of benefits.

In another study conducted, 12,000 pregnant women’s diet has been analyzed. Children of those who consumed less omega-3 have 48% more likely to score lowest quartile on IQ tests.

Brain Aging

Although one is at his or her premium health, it can be inevitable for the brain to age. It’s either your brain age yet you stay mentally alert or your brain may age and you get to acquire dementia, gets memory lapses and Alzheimer’s.

But there can be ways to lessen the chances of such occurrence. It can be through diet, through proper care of the body and health, through exercise and through the avoidance of all unhealthy things in life. And of course through some supplements that helps the brain.

Omega-3 and Brain Volume

Researchers from University of South Dakota subjected 1100 postmenopausal women under study. The study has spanned eight years their levels of DHA and EPA in the brain has been measured in their red blood cells, their brain volume in different areas of their brains, their total brain volume through MRI. And for the information, the DHA consists for the 30-40% of the fatty acids in the brain.

The result yielded the fact that women who have the highest levels of the omega-3 in their blood have had greater brain volume than those who have the lowest. This is mostly true in the hippocampus, the brain part that is the seat of memory and learning. Hippocampus often is also the seat and het most affected of the Alzheimer’s disease.

James Pottala, study author, said that the fish oil did not grow the brains volume; rather it has prevented the shrinkage of it.

A reason pointed out for this is due to the anti-inflammatory capacity of the omega-3 which prevented the death of brain cells. Since the DHA is ever present in the nerve cell membranes, a high concentration in the blood of the said fatty acids can be attributed to the replenishment and has reduced the chances of decline of brain over time. Go to this website in order to acquire additional information about useful supplement and omega-3.

Other Benefits of Omega-3 in Brain Health

The omega-3 fatty acids have been known to have benefits in fighting mental illness. This includes bipolar disorder, aggression, aberrant behavior, neuropsychiatric disorders and depression. This has been subjected into many studies too and has gathered several evidences already. In a study conducted by the University of Toyama in Japan, it is said that omega-3 helps in the activation of the serotonergic neurons in the brain which in return controls the mood, appetite and the level of one’s anger and aggression.

Omega-3 in the process is even made to combat postpartum depression among women.

Benefits of Omega-3 in Overall Health

Omega-3 aside from its brain benefit has been known to be heart friendly. It helps in lowering heart attack risks, is anti-inflammatory, aids against diabetes, helps in arthritis, aids in kids with ADHD, and helps in prevention of osteoarthritis among others.

Omega-3 is also known to lower the bad cholesterol while increasing the good cholesterol. Many supplement the fatty acid to help in their exercise and fitness routines as well since it strengthens the lung health and helps the body burn fat easier.

How the High Omega-3 Fatty Acid Level Be Achieved

Of course most experts recommend the natural diet. The diet of foods plenty with omega-3 fatty acids can help channel the helpful fats in the body. Yet, often, fish and seafood meals may seldom be present in most dining tables. Aside from the fact that most fishes today are cautiously regarded due to mercury contamination, it also takes time and ingenuity to prepare without sapping its nutrients.

Experts advise that fish such as salmon may need to avoid frying and other food preparation that will devalue the food. Like ordinary cooking oil can be unhealthy so the goal of eating healthy is depleted. Some fish source too may need to be selected due to the dioxins and other toxic contamination. Obviously, wild caught fatty fish are better options than farmed fishes but farmed fishes may also have advantage since their food is regulated. The choice is up to you.

The next best alternative to these is the plant sources which may need no cooking or preparing. Chia and flaxseeds are two most known omega3 source in the plant world. They can be used as sprinkles in smoothies, cereals and oatmeal. They can be included without effort in most meals and menus. However, it contains a different kind of omega-3, the ALA. ALA may need to be transformed and revised by the body to turn it into DHA. Along the way, several nutrients and benefits may be lost.

So the next would be supplements. Known supplements in the market include fish oil, krill oil, and calamari oil and of course processed Chia and flax supplements. Most consumers view these supplements as the fastest, most economical and hassle free way of achieving a high omega-3 level in the blood. If you are interested in learning more about brain aging, visit this website for useful information.